Our partners in Buntolo have recently celebrated  Young People’s Day, this annual heartwarming event brings together all the children whose education and wellbeing is supported by our sponsors.  It is a celebration of achievement as well as an opportunity to share the experience of group work and a moment to reflect on the most important issues in the lives of  young people in the Monze district of Zambia.


All seven Wellbeing groups from Buntolo came together.  Sister Purity, who leads the Wellbeing programme, said she was thrilled to see so many attend in spite of the rains.  A total of 77 children and 7 group leaders congregated at the Makangala Pre-School, which continues to serve as a community hub.

Mr Royd Siambeta from PPAZ, Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia, gave a motivational presentation about his own educational journey and the important work he does today in helping to prevent early marriages.

  Christohper Chiinda, BFZ alumni, spoke inspiringly of his experience of sponsorship through BFZ.  He encouraged the children to succeed in education, as he had, ‘as a weapon against poverty’.

The children had prepared performances of cultural dances, poems and drama to raise awareness of child trafficking, child marriage, drug abuse and the importance of education. These performances showcased the themes regularly explored in the Wellbeing sessions.

  Prizes were awarded to children who have worked consistently hard this year.  Gifts of school bags, books, pens and maths sets were presented in recognition of their efforts.


It was a hugely positive day for all. Thank you to all supporters of BFZ for making this rewarding day possible.