The Good Goat

“A story of success and sustainability, The Good Goat project has provided female goats to over 100 households and is still going strong.” 


In July 2013, BFZ raised £1,611 in 30 days via Crowdfunder to initiate The Good Goat project. This seed funding launched a valuable community project which continues to thrive today. As more goats are born, they are shared amongst the community. The milk produced by the goats provides income to feed, clothe, and educate the children as well as a valuable source of nutrition.   

This was our first foray into the well-established ‘pass-it-on’ methodology. The initial investment provided 10 families with a herd of 5 female goats each and 2 billy goats to share.  

We also fund training and ongoing support in animal husbandry – including how to build kraals to house the goats safely and how to care for the goats to keep them healthy.

When the goats have babies, the first few kids are given to other families in the community.  When those goats reproduce, their kids are passed on to the other orphan families in the area which means that a small amount of funding has an ongoing impact to the whole community. 

During crises such as the poor harvests in 2019 and the Covid pandemic the project provided valuable support to many communities. 

© Brighter Futures Zambia 2022 | Company address: 21 Hawthorn Gardens, Whitley Bay, NE26 3PQ HMRC Small Charity Tax Reference number:- XT38379 Registered Charity No. 1162851 (England & Wales)
Web: Ryan Cornelius Design